terravibe: flüstern aus der erde

Think global. Act local. Now.

A dirty-hands lab to regenerate our soil heritages and cultures through art, play
and experimentation.

Sustainable action must take place locally.
We work towards overcoming the great knowing-doing gap.

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Zoilhill Building Event, ZHdK

📅 21.05.2023, 10:00 – 15:30

📍 Toni Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich

Part of ZHdK MFA Dimploma Austellung: CONTROL

Impact: 113+ people touched: 13 active zoilhill builders, 100+ spectators over three guided tours.

4 generations, from toddler to grandfather

“This was incredibly grounding. It does something to you when you work with your hands in the soil for a full day.” Michel, zoilhill builder for the day

We hosted our first day long community workshop to build three zoilhills. Throughout this day, we built 3 hills and discovered the ancient method of rammed earth, which has been used to build houses around the world, and spent a fun day with curious humans from diverse backgrounds.

These soil art installations lift soils normally hidden below our feet into people’s eyesight & attention. We worked with soil from selected construction sites from Zürich’s Kreis 4 which had been covered by concrete for many years.

We explored soil with our bodies, minds and souls whilst getting hands on and consciously connecting to the ground below our feet and the land which we walk upon every day. We thoroughly enjoyed getting our hands into the ground with this diverse group of humans.

Facilitated by:
Alisha Dutt Islam, Nora Gailer, Christa Herrmann, Ralph Kuenzler

Participants: Linda Stauffer, Corina Heinrich, Nurjiyan, Dr. Eric Alejandro Pinto Figueroa, Michel Bachmann, Sonja Schenkel